Tuesday 4 May 2010

The Marriage Shift - a renaissance for marriage.

I was reading an article this morning in my weekly Tuesday Grazia fix (aided by my morning Costa coffee) I thought I’d share it with you as it’s wedding related.
Megan Lloyd Davies writes, that 20 somethings are now desperate to head up the aisle before they reach 30. She investigates, what’s the sudden rush?
A brief synopsis of her article revealed that in a recent marriage and wedding survey of 2000 women across their twenties, most felt that the ideal age to wed was 26. More interestingly, the survey found that younger women were spearheading the return to traditional values.
Marriage reflects society and because society has changed, marriage has as well. Younger women feel that if they have a relationship that’s equal, that will not change if they get married. In fact she goes on to write that marriage has undergone such a makeover that it’s now seen as an achievement to rank alongside a career and children. Young women see finding someone they want to commit to as an accolade.
The article concludes that as women bought up in a more equal society seek the security of marriage with men who share their values, more and more women will be saying I Do, rather than, lets live together.
It will be interesting to see how this is reflected in the brides that book me for their weddings. I was thinking the other day how my brides seem to be looking younger.... maybe its their face creams....or maybe…. its me getting older??


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